League Rules

1)   Throwing distance & height are as laid down by all major Darts Organisation or Leagues. These being,         Dartboard must be 5'8" from centre of bullseye to the floor. The throwing distance must be 7' 9.25" from the     throwing line (Ochi) to the dart. A diagonal measurement from the bullseye to the throwing line (Ochi) must be   9' 7.5". A raised oche should be used at all venue. 

2)  The Usual age for Players is 18, but we as a League will let persons play at 16. If a team is short, and only if short, and by mutual agreement, and permission of Landlord of venue a person of 14 could play. No Younger

3) All games to be straight start, finish on a double. Bullseye to count as double 25. The bust rule to apply, the   players must set for bullseye at the start of the first leg, home team to set first, nearest to bull starts, all other   legs to be alternate start. If the first person setting hits a bull or outer bull they must only remove the dart if   the opponent asked them to. The scorer to decide who is closest, if both seem to be an equal distance from the   bull, they must set again. If a player touches their dart, they will render their shot in favour of their opponent.

 When a player hits their required double (Game Shot), any further darts being thrown hitting the scoring   area, will render that shot as bust, and return to the score required 

4) All league matches to be played on a Tuesday (Charity League) or Thursday (Open League) , (Unless Otherwise   arranged) with an 8:20 pm draw for 8:30 pm start (Thursdays), or 8:05 pm draw for 8:15 pm start (Tuesdays).

 Each team captain can pick their own choice of pairs partners, but singles to be a blind draw. A team can play   with a minimum of 4 players, any less and they must forfeit the game by a 9 - 0 loss

5) All players do not have to be present when draw is made, but be present when their game is due to start.   Once a player has been entered on the result card, they cannot be substituted by a different player. The only   exception could be someone being called away in an emergency, if both captains agree to it. A player can ask to   go on early if on a nightshift etc. But persons abusing this rule and are still their at the end of the match, will   not be allowed to do so in future.

6) Once a player has played for one team within the league, they will not be allowed to play for another team in   the League. Special circumstances may be considered, in extreme cases. if a player feels they need to change   teams for whatever reason, it must put in writing to League Secretary for a decision by Committee 

7)  Any player wishing to play in the Competitions must have played a minimum of two League games

8)  The only time a match can be  postponed and played at a later date, is in unforeseen circumstances such as   bad weather (Snow, etc), or a venue is closed for whatever reason. The Committee would then set a date for   them to replay the match. Teams postponing games for any other reason or not turning up for a match will   forfeit the game by a 9 - 0 loss  

9) All score boards must be clearly visible to all players at all times, and in front of the throwers. All throwing   areas must be lit to an adequate standard, and all match boards be of a good playing conditions. The only   boards recognised as match match boards are those  of the standard black & beige main board colour, (the   doubles & trebles may vary depending on make). Any other colour board such as John Smith, Guinness, football   teams etc, are seen as a match standard board. Any team turning up at a venue, has the right to refuse to play   there, if any of the above conditions are not adhered to

10)  The competition for the highest checkout will count in both League and Competition matches, and will run     until the Semi - Finals of all competitions, it cannot be beaten on Finals night. League 180's will count uptil the   last League match. All high checks must be entered on the result card, failure to do so could result in   someone losing out on a trophy at the end of the season. This also applies to 180's scored. Full names must be   entered on the score cards.

11) If a player as a complaint during a match, they must to bring it up straight away, and not wait until the   match has finished. If a complaint is brought to a Committee member's attention early enough, it may be dealt   with straight away. Most Committee members can be reached at some venue somewhere on all match nights. If   a Committee member cannot be reached for whatever reason, don't ring them in the middle of the night after     getting home from the pub, then leave it until the morning. All complaints will be dealt with as quickly as   possible., Hopefully if a Committee member is present at the venue on the night in question they can deal with   it on the spot. 

12) If a Committee members plays for a team or pub involved in a dispute, or the dispute concerns that member,   they, that is brought before the Committee, that person will be excluded from the meeting, or making a   decision on any outcome  

13) The committee has the power to put any team in  any division it feels fitting the teams strength. This applies   to any new teams coming into the League  

14)  All players must be signed on before playing (preferably at the start of the season). If a team needs to sign   on a new player on a match night they must enter the players name on the back of the result card, and both   captains must sign it 


16)  The winning captain/ team, must put in result card. All cards must be correctly filled in and signed by   both team captains. A photo of the result card can be sent to the darts website, but the card must still be sent   in to verify    

17)  Teams who do not pay their registration and or Competition fees , and or still owe money from the previous   season will not be allowed to play in the League in the following season

18)   If a teams does need to sign on a new player, they may only do so in a League match, they cannot be signe on for a Competition match under the terms laid down in rule 13 

19)   The League format is as follows:- 3 pairs best of 3 legs of 601, 6 singles best of 3 legs of 501. If for any   reason (i.e. you have a player on shift work), at the agreement of both captains, you can play format in a   different order to suit. But players do have to be there when due to play 

20)   Committee members must do the draw at any Competition venue they are playing at, Committee members   not doing so could be asked to stand down as a Committee Member

21)  If a team drops out of the league at any time during the league cycle, all of their games will be classed as   void, and any points won by them will be deducted, this also applies to 180's and high checkouts

22)  If a team or players drops out of the league have reached the semi - final stage of any competition at their,   then the player or team they beat in the final at their respective venue, will be through to avoid having any   byes straight through to the finals    

23) All scorers shall remain unbiased at all times, and only tell the player what is needed verbally, and by 

 not by taking the score off the scoreboard unless asked to do so by the player. A scorer must not tell a player   what way to go for a checkout, or what double is required ( i.e, "Thirty Two required" not "Double Sixteen").   Any scoring mistakes must be rectified immediately. The scorer will as referee in any match they are scoring.   All persons acting as a scorer must be a team player  and competent with a scorebord

24) A Landlord / Licensee shall, if the need arises, play for more than one team within their pub / club. This   means that if the Landlord / Licensee usually plays for example the "A" team, could play for a "B" or whatever if   they were short, or vice versa, but only any one team on any one night. Persons found to be playing for more   than one team on any given night could lose this privilage

25) In the event of two teams finishing level o points and leg  difference at the top of their division at the end   of a season, a play off on a neutral boar will take place to determine Divisional Winners

26)  No person shall be allowed to stand along a player whilst on the ochi coaching them. If a player needs to   ask for help with a checkout they must do so before going to the ochi. Only one person should be on thee ochi     at any one time, and that is the player who is throwing. Any other player standing on the och can be asked to   move away

27)  Any perpetual trophies won by a team or player, will be the responsibility of the team / player winning it,   and should be returned to the league at the end of the season, in the same condition that they received it. Any   lost or broken trophies must be reimbursed for

28)  All competitions will be played to normal league rules, and on the usual playing day. All players must be at   their venue when the draw is done, persons turning up late will be excluded from the draw.

29)  All players / teams will be expected to score the next game after losing  in a competition. Persons refusing   to do so will be expelled from future competitions

30)  In all competitions a player may now play on their own board is drawn out so.  

31)  A substitute may be used in the first round of a competition, except the singles or captains knockout. All   teams must at least 50% of the original tam entered, and if the amended team wins their venue they must   keep that team for semi - finals and finals 

32)  All semi - finals and finals will be played on designated nights. None of these games will be played on a   different night. The only exception to this would be sudden bad weather (snowfall etc), or if cancelled for any   other reason 

33)  No player will be allowed to play in another league on the same night as playing as playing in our league.   Any persons being found to be doing so will be ejected from our league

34)  All competition draws will be done by the Committee, in front of witnesses, who do not need to be league   members. Once a person is drawn to play at a venue they must play at that venue (unless for instance two   teams are being made into one etc, by a person being unable to play). No entries will be accepted once the   draws have been made

35) All competition fees must be paid by a preset date (along with filled in competition sheet), which will be sent   out with fixtures sheet. Any team not paying their fees or not getting sheets back on time will be excluded   from the draws. Make sure all persons wishing to play are entered on the sheet.  No Name, No Entry, No   Exception

36) All competition venues are selected by Committee, as to size and availability. All teams entering comps will   get at least on venue. Teams not entering comps will not get a competition venue. All entrants must register   with the designates drawmaster at the venue, or they might be excluded from draw.